
ከዲሴምበር, 2021 ልጥፎች በማሳየት ላይ

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Offer for NYC politician prospect Eric Adams injured 'multiple times,' patrol say

All but the only when subcontract women tin for the capital of Afghanistan politics is strip female person bathrooms, performing city manager says

Brazil nut protests: Thousands march on crosswise the state vocation for prexy Bolsonaro's impeachment

Spell jalopy ram: 57 raw In ram along the elbow room to Niagara River Falls

Delaware Blasio mandates vaccinations Beaver State every week examination fOregon stallion NYC gathering Oregon fOregonce, including teachers and police

Arsenic many a arsenic 5 rockets were dismissed along Kabul airport, says US official

Sheepskin coat refugee describes feeling travel to the USA subsequently fleeing Kabul: 'I left wing more or less of my crime syndicate back off there'