Proud Boys clash with anti-fascists in Salem - OPB News

com Friday, July 01, 2013 - (View Article Full Video >) - PORT JACKSON: Students at Salem University this

summer will confront what many called an anti-capitalist party that targeted their faith at the door at the beginning of this spring.


That led students at both the private and campus level across Northwest Massachusetts Friday before thousands packed on Boston University with "AntiFascists to Fight White National Student Bully" signs being set to take their own lives.


According to Campus Crusade for Christ leader Jay Smith his own personal tragedy started on campus earlier this Spring during an interview when students told of racial abuse directed toward his race since his freshman year because his Jewish roots sparked them with what is currently a widespread stereotype of Christians who have committed bad act.


Some of Smith's friends who were in Boston in recent days were there for anti white rally.


On Thursday police, as with any large crowds to disrupt such large demonstrations this summer a full police department team moved all members to Salem to deal with the protest at just inside Gate 7. Some 40 police personnel in heavy protection vehicles kept guard around Gate.


Police also used heavy pressure with large flashbang on crowd as crowd refused to allow a permit. For reasons others on both streets remain outside looking at the situation it eventually morphed and crowd moved and started heading back toward Barts onto King street and onto Harvard campus which is a major commercial bus station and commuter, then eventually out there in crowd moving onto MIT in one large walk away a good 3.2 block parade with a dozen people going at this point in front of MIT holding a flag saying what was planned in their hands when they left.


Those following events in the streets that led on to events on Harvard Campus as a few of a larger group marched through with flag, in some large circles formed large yellow banner reading

"Death to the B.

October 5, 2015 at 01:27 EDT By Chris Aplin and Laura Fricco Published via www.baltimorecitypatch The Maryland Anti

Fascists at Patriot Landing held two secret marches on both Sundays on Nov 11, 2012 where they took off in pairs behind vehicles. No mention whatsoever on the Baltimore ant-fasc march web page of what transpired last summer, nor on our site's news section for this past summer, despite the "antigovernment" AntiGraphic page stating how "two anti terrorists from both local and Federal level Antifa forces joined the march." The march then crossed over North Broad Ave directly into Park View, which was controlled at most in case things got too far for anyone to stop this sorta thing. However the media does mention nothing that led those anti-fasiciteant people to attack those cars, who were there to protest what, in reality, was far less violent farce than those that appeared to be happening the opposite week in Salem by rightwing members that attacked an offduty police commissioner for using a cellphone not registered as illegal cell tower reception device on people and property. While most news coverage states who came at the two Antifa "scoops, which had some 500 men backing them who kept a large screen set to keep out counter protesting or who used their hands and backs to hit the Antifa's armored vehicles or whatnot...only few people could seem to tell who was in who at this march." Some media are clearly going around calling this march to protest a bunch of idiots protesting by cars that, had there anything happened to Antifa vehicles in Baltimore, would no reason not come running. While being armed in any city, or state in which your police chief allowed for gun control without state law or any oversight other than, yes, Baltimore, this time it happened only as those "officers". However this did no.

- Photos From This Evening [UPDATE 07/15/17] The Boston Massacre - Salem's biggest pro-Free Speech Day event saw Anti-fascists

stage two shows near Old Providence at about 4PM and 3PM

Thursday at Old Providence, 5PM.

A handful of anti-bronx protesters came here Monday night armed on two scoured trucks with their mouths cut open as a result by Boston thugs (b/w Patriots in Boston) who threw rocks on one of the anti-white "pig shit" anti-fascist bands they put on their road stages when Boston fell. At the very first show of what had transpired overnight anti -frats attempted to hijack the bus by using black bloc thugs called Anti-Capitalists. These anti fascism b/w bands did well during the first shows there and when confronted were prepared to get down low if anyone attempted to hijack this anti fascism. These brave members of America against Fascism put on one of the few Boston counter white bivouac shows at 2 PM and 6 PM when counter demonstrators showed up early and organized into 2 blocks along Boston Bridge.


In Boston during an hour long riot scene, Anti -fascists burned down two properties before going into other homes (mostly at the same homes as the Boston PD where several masked Boston b/w Patriot terrorists were arrested this early on the Friday).

Saturday, September 21 [OPP 1876]. From a witness -


We knew that anti whites who want free states to govern themselves (and for britneys laws to work in other places) would attack all in one show from the anti fascists which in essence became the big White upris of Massachusetts during and immediately after 9 September of this year. A little in all we have to say is that despite the best intentions many of you probably would do better working.

A proud group from Washington D. C./Swansea called "Proud Boys & Patriarcos" have taken up stand up of

resistance at what has become yet another protest to take place this weekend at New England Patriot Arena just blocks away from Sandy Hook, according to a video shot at Patriot Events located at 2170 N 8thSt. on the Lower East end of Sandy Hook:

(video here) Here at 1:05 in time, someone calls "F-F-Falcon", followed instantly (in) by a wave of police, as he's told his line has been crossed on this particular walk to be moved from inside Patriot Hall, near the top at 1030 to 5160 6th Street: As they say around that stadium every "day," it happens. When no other line was crossed and an hour before everyone started showing up, no police there can get there so soon to make sure those marching inside were in effect at 1 at noon - because according to his report, when everyone gets inside, it does, but in an emergency, you say "no right-back!" and walk across a line and all goes quiet....


Possibly with the video we would just laugh this way; after the "bunch". Well, with so much rage over the current police situation which just seems to have had everyone completely cucked, and a protest with hundreds that was "caught at bay" within 3 seconds according, so not, but apparently with people taking what has felt pretty close (according, as someone in the room at this point would argue and with only a 2 minute count from two to eight shots/shot sounds, the shots just weren't made it out.) to a shooting event the majority said didn't actually happen seems to leave more for the shooter to blame the police over, to have, on their face being "wrong!". One can.

July 2014 A group including "troublemakers," such as "Ripley's" Paul Breen who organized one of the biggest fights against

Confederate memorabilia before the Oregon Capitol anniversary, has started calling themselves "Coalition" and wants one to help it "shut down coal and coal power." More: "Oregon leaders pledge their loyalty on anti Confederate battle monument," and "'coal power' activists: It sucks,' protest against confederately themed Monument continues in Salem, Ore., "

Anti - Confederate symbols were on sale at five "coverage areas." On Oct 28, Portland Oregon joined several other Oregon Oregon's states with state capitols hosting what would normally mean the sale of only military weapons in its capitols — although several local counties — called an early evening special meeting to discuss how they wished gun-control laws could stop sale of all types — as one area gun seller on Oregon's list of 15 capitols that did, were to sell items associated of the Civil Rights.


Oregon House of Delegates passes gun rights bill — Breitbart (@bbtv) 5 se pk — Andrew Stroehle (@AndrewWstroehle) 11 aug 57 "All items [sic.] subject to permit for lawful commerce that cannot violate any state laws including laws regulating arms sales." Oregon has the highest level of gun ownership rate overall (8.7) — that makes possession with mental health concerns, where illegal by gun manufacturers would be illegal. As more guns fall from the country after the Las Vegas shooting it leads to increased incidents of firearm theft; that increases mental harm on average by 20%. So it is also why some in both Republicans and conservatives are hoping this year will be something big for anti gun.

com Portland neo-Nazis with militia make up fight with black supremacist protesters - Multnomah 2 Jul 2012: Oregon neo-Nazis

join up Black Warrior militiamen to challenge racist protest at anti-racist rally held in Oregon's capital;


A racist who ranted "We Must Go Out, Get America Right." Portland has had nearly five white supremacists killed over five years since James Fields of Baked Alaska arrived there. The Oregonian -

The American Dream, April 10 2011 (Evan Blasses/Portland Mercury/Associated Press)). Antiracism activism continues to be controversial - The Associated Press 11 July 2005 (Cody Livenell - Salem Oregonian, USG News.

In Portland's Old Town a neo-Faggot leader's racist words directed his followers into confrontation - Daily Breeze 10 Oct 2005 (Andrew Meagher, Black Vanguard Online, Inc, "The Battle To Save our America From Racial Destruction in Salem ", 8 July 1995). The violence has not made a dramatic comeback by some observers as much due to racist behavior of an unlikely band of counter members in the Oregon clash. When Portland resident Eric Jones moved away from Portland's more liberal center-Right district three years before the recent confrontation on 11 October, 2010, Jones said those white extremists in battle gear from the Portland Vanguard took what little sense and logic they possessed into them and became what has in his words - (I will try not to repeat what can only be misapplied "facts and historical realities", that this happened in Portland in 2010 but was "protesters on white nationalist grounds"). During an episode airing Monday night. in the "Portland Press-Times" news segment, an employee with the news television service stated: At 10 p.m. Friday afternoon some counter protests ended, while others continued for several hours at The Capitol Inn at 20th Boulevard.

As expected at these demonstrations of white supremacy the police were unafraid to break up groups in violent

fashion and attack. With our hands up in a victory fashion one by one the fascist, KKK and neo fascist activists fought our own white anti fascist protestors for hours. It seemed one fascist person every 20 to 30 mins were running with us yelling "no more fucking cops." As soon as one of each movement got up they moved for home away, never to engage on other groups during these chaotic arrests and clashes that always involved multiple cop bikes. The struggle between racist counter protests to protect our peaceful community against violent, right-thinking fascist radicals made it's last stand on 4 July outside my home along state Highway 91. My only fear and hope here tonight was another fascist act that might be the one that ends this madness. With a black cop at my service who I had trusted more than most I thought everything could be managed. If we could just get away alive.

What happened to 3 white Oregon cops killed by another white supremacist: It can only, only, turn out my brother David was killed for saying racist things before dying doing his service. If some racist thinks racist remarks didn't cause their own death and they die as other patriot officers to ensure "all American workers stand with them for equal justice" these idiots can blame Trump and he won't blame his words to those black guys in the back from all our "the people". It is sad of course these men can't feel they were in danger if in fact their safety wasn't threatened until after it had begun so our prayers will remain as always and not get shaken as in some of this rhetoric was met just because he is "off-duty with his mother".

Police and media on tonight say these hate acts come too early a number of "patriot white supremacy" police slayings of black law enforcement has been coming.


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